Friday, July 31, 2015

Blue Moon Friday. July 31

It's Friday! Yes. That means it's the weekend for a number of people including myself, but my weekend starts tomorrow, and it's gonna be a good day nonetheless. This is largely due to the fact that I've been assigned a clinic just down the street from where I live. The picture to the left is the view out my front door yesterday morning-beautiful. You cannot understand how much of my energy and resources have gone into just getting to and from project sites the last number of weeks. It was starting to effect my mental outlook on life until last week when I got two days of dream drive-to-work driving! It's not the only thing on the horizon that will drastically minimize my driving altogether, and I will talk about that development when it comes into fruition. Otherwise I was thinking it was time to do the proverbial MTV spotlight, "..and then he turned to drugs.." to deal with it! J/K. A tune came over the radio that only made the idea more funny.... High & Dry by Radio Head. LOL.

So, now what to do with an extra six hours of my life back! It's gym time. My housemate has been wanting me to hit the gym with him to do some training. I said I would if I didn't have to kick my ass to get back from some long-ass drive. So now, I'm starting up at one of the local gyms to grow...physically. I've been creating the best possible diet one can when on the road and between places; it pretty much consist of fresh fruits, some mixed nut/grains, and protein in either powder form, eggs, or chicken. Along with some select vitamins and other related supplements, I'm thinning and growing with the 1/2-3/4 work-outs I've managed between driving to work in the mornings. I pretty much drive to the gym in the town I'm working at so I can work-out before my scheduled time.

Otherwise, it doesn't happen! Especially when I don't get back home till after 8:00 PM most days I work. So, not much of a life from that standpoint. But, like I mentioned to a few people, it's improving. It's just a matter of time before most things will be closer to a normal life, and with it hopefully new beginnings. I'm optimistic about it cause I feel it in the air even when I have the periodic freak-out that begs to wonder, "What the hell am I doing here?!"

I had it pretty fair in my home town apart from the long-distance relationship I was in the last year. I live here now, and it is exactly where I'm supposed to be-otherwise it wouldn't have happened. All things happen for a reason because they are written by the same hand. When we can come to terms with this, we are able to understand the connectivity in all the things around us and in our own lives. We can see the connection from start to finish and understand, more clearly sometimes, why things are the way they are. There is peace in that, but there also comes with it the responsibility to ones self to improve so we can play our part of the 'puzzle' well. I just went all philosophical on you. I guess that's the mood I'm in this morning. It could very well be that the BLUE MOON is gonna be out tonight! It's a second full moon this month. I guess it might be crazy out tonight!! We'll see. LOL. This is the week review. Let's see what the weekend has to offer. #GetAdjustedToTheGoodLife #Whatsmissinginthispicture #Californiadreaming

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