Friday, July 10, 2015

It's Friday. Friday. Friday...but I'm working tomorrow.

Well it's Friday, just before the wonderful work day starts, and I just drove nearly two hours to get to it...the office that I'm servicing today! LOL. In the background of all the traffic, I kept hearing an old Eagles tune to keep my mind off of it-the drive. "Well I'm running down the road trying to loosen my load. I've got seven women (really just four) on my mind. Four of them want to hold me (just two), two of them want to stone me (likely just one), and one says she's a friend of mine (at least three of them)! Take it easy..Take it easy..Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy!" It's true....kinda.

The gal on the left, Ranger Mel, has become a fairly close friend of mine over the last couple of months even though it feels like I've know her much longer. The gal on the right, is the fourth of July Midwesterner that went to fireworks with me. I'll leave her anonymous presently, but the two of them were out giving the local guys a hard time for any number of reasons while remembering that all of us have some basic needs, and that eventually lead to my being texted to join them for a drink. I figured it was more my friend Mel that was asking and not the two of them wanting to clear the air between the three of us as I started to ask for some of the ER doc's time if she had it. I figure, "What the hell." I'm not always interested in doing things by myself (That's not how it was supposed to happen when I got to Cali), but I do; I just prefer not to be a desperado all of the time. LOL. So the male/female thing that happens between single people that are all essentially "out on the market" happens even when you don't intend it to, and it should mean that people can have a good time until you need to have a talk or do something about it. Just sayin.

The rest of the week was smoother than I thought it was going to be leading up to today...Friday. I'll let ya know how the weekend goes on Monday, and the next day, I'll be coming home!!! Hell yes.

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