"How did I acquire a new running partner?" You might ask. Well, the marathon running experience came up in a conversation with a bartender on Friday night that my buddy's friend was or has been working on cracking her case. Ya know. He's pulling the long-play that is really just playing it cool also know as 'playing the friend zone' till the right moment pops up and the gal needs somebody to drown her sorrows in when it doesn't work out between her current boyfriend. Magically 'you've been there all along, and you're such a good friend, why not see if it works out' kinda of mentality. This is the so-called L.P. It was funny to watch but ultimately one doesn't have to do any of that. All you really need to do is actually do something the other person enjoys rather than does for a job, and you're in! After some talk on running style, shoes, and a training schedule, the gal was up for running some miles because she wants to run the LA marathon.
Running the LA Marathon again hasn't been in the forefront of my thoughts considering my history with it and how it ultimately changed KCs and my lives. But, the more I listened to the gal talk and heard her level of enthusiasm, I thought I would run a few more miles to keep on top of my weight management program. She asked if I would train some of it with her, and I reluctantly agreed. We'll see what happens.
The picture to the left was what I got for dinner! Yup. I couldn't even believe it! The gals are pretty good cooks even if they say they will not be domesticated. Lol. Both in the financial industry, cooking is likely not second nature to them as much as shoe shopping, purse buying, and hair coloring is, but it was tasty. And let's face it, I'm a guy! If you put a home cooked meal in front of me, I'm gonna eat it....all of it. I usually only eat chicken, a variety of protein shakes, and some veggies when I actually buy them. Having some greens and baked Salmon was a real treat not to mention having some company, which the more I think of it is more likely the benefit they got from me. I'm a safe bet it seems..cause the gals know my story and what I'm not interested in doing with taken women. So, maybe that makes me their 'gay guy friend' even though I'm not, and I do chase women...one at a time.
Today, I saw the Martian movie staring Matt Damon with another Minnesota friend I met out this
way. We were both off for the day, and decided it was a good move to make. It is a tear jerking movie to say the least. The more I watched a man finding himself alone, with no idea if anyone was listening to him or if any one knew he was still alive, I understood his recording video of his daily activities and the days he kept marking off on his wall. You can loose touch with reality when you're on your own. It's kind of why Tom Hanks lost it when his Wilson volleyball started to float away, and for what was likely a worldwide tearful moment--we watch a man cry as his only companion and connection to reality left him. For Matt Damon, it was his way to stay connected to someone somewhere even if it wasn't in real time or in that exact moment that he was talking to them. As time rolled forward and he was devising what would be his escape plan after his 'how to not starve to death' one, I new what he was attempting to do...not let the over-whelming reality of his isolation, likely death, and complete and utter loneliness cripple his ability to think it through and to solve problems. Things can go wrong, and you have to think in the clear in order to survive it. I guess I identified with his character in that situation somehow--a human being striving to not get lost in the moment while keeping up the hope that there is hope and that if you keep on striving and reaching out, someone is gonna hear you, and in Matt Damon's case, come back and get you.
In my case, just having someone reach out and say, "Hi. We know you're out there. We're watching and hoping for the best. Keep you're head up, and stick to the plan. Things may change sooner or later." Is what I hear from time to time, and it has come to me from different people some of which I've never met before but have been reading my story from the beginning. I guess that's why I started writing this California Dreaming blog when I was in Minnesota and continued it all the way here into California till today. I knew I was going into the deep end of things alone, on a very unforgiving endeavor, and hoping that things were gonna turn out for the best. I admit shit has gone wrong. I'm often alone, and there are days when I have no idea why I'm here less a girl I was following up on much like Matt Damon did in Good Will Hunting. Maybe, I just like Matt Damon and the movies he makes. Hahahaha. Then, in what seems to be an over extended stretch of nothing, someone reaches out to you, NASA's Houston reaches out to Damon, and he realized he wasn't alone as long as he thought. Someone knows you exist, and you feel excited someone said something to you--you become connected again enough to remember to keep your thoughts clear, solve the problem, and stick to the plan cause it's the way "forward."
I remember in the few days prior to me leaving Minnesota not too long ago, the office manager and my friend gave me a going away card from the office team. It said a lot of nice and warm things, but one thing that stuck out was what she wrote at the end. "P.S. Go get her!" I laughed and as soon as no one was around, I'm sure I lost a few tears. I knew,as much as she likely did, that I was not likely gonna be coming back home anytime soon. Hell, I didn't even know if I was going to make it California in one piece, but I weighed out all the possible scenarios and decided in any case I had to at least make the effort. I figured people could read about it one day and find something worthwhile . Hence the blog. It's been my actual brief report to everyone as to where I'm at, how things are going, what I'm thinking about, and how the mission has gone. Well, I made it. I've continued to climb up the ranks of my company. As far as the girl goes, she seems good. Every day and every week is different, but all of them exactly as they're supposed to go. All things are written by the same hand.
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